Positive Mental Attitude as the Foundation of Smart Enterpreneur
In Proferssor Edwood Chapman, mental attitude is the way to comunicating or expressing mood or character to each other. If we express positive to each other, so we are a man with positive mental attitude, and in reverse. The positive mental attitude motivate us to achieve goals with hard work. when we fall we can still bounce back. For example Soichiro Honda, he keeps positive when his ring shaped piston was rejected by Toyota. He try to fix the weakness of his piston. After survive for 2 years, finally Toyota accepted his piston. Moreover when he survive for 2 years, his factory was bombed twice, and destroyed by an earthquake, he still keeps positive. Positive mental attitude motivate us to be more creative. Every time bad things happen we can still respond by looking for the positive side.Enterpreneurs are people who respon to any environment changes with creative and innovative. Therefore, if there is a trouble or threat, there will be opportunities behind it. Creativity is the ability to present ideas, whereas innovation is application from the ideas. We are all really are creative beings, but because creativity is rarely practiced regularly, it is paralyzed, like human muscles. George Land reported in Break-Point and Beyond, that that children aged 5 scores 98%, children aged 10 scores 32%, 15 year olds scores 10%, and adult aged 42 only scores 2%. This happens because children make creative thinking skills as a routine activity. They are always observing and asking questions, and their favorite introgative word is "why". They sometimes don't trust the answers given by an adult until they test and take their own conclusions. Indeed in the end the children will learn to follow the rules of adults and receive information without a problem anymore, and indeed it will limit their creativity. But with still asking questions and make conclusions, like children, we will stay creative and innovative- Don't be affraid in failure
Failure does not exist. The truth is, there is no failure, it only delayed success. without fail we will not know what will make us fail. By failing we know what is our weakness. From failure, we can make some correction to us, and it can make us better than before. Don't give up and keep trying. Failure is an indication to be successful.Source: M. Suyanto. 2005. Smart in Enterpreneurship: 11 Rahasia Memulai Bisnis Tanpa Uang, Penerbit ANDI Yogyakarta
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