Cara Bermain PCSX2 Tanpa Lag

Hi Guys!
Kalian pasti pernahkan bermain PS2 di pc dengan pcsx? Pasti saat bermain kebanyakan pada lag? Nah, kali ini saya mau memberi cara agar tidak lag/lag berkurang saat bermain PS2 di pc dengan pcsx   
Berikut cara setting agar pcsx tidak lag:

  1. klik Config -> Video(GS) -> Plugin settings, lihat tulisan Renderer, pilih Direct3D11(Hardware)
  2. Lihat tulisan pada Adapter, pilih VGA yang sesuai dengan pc anda
  3. Setelah itu klik Audio(SPU2) -> Plugin settings, ubah latency menjadi 30 ms 
  4. Lalu Kita masuk ke emulation setting -> klik GS window lihat Aspect ratio: pilih Fit to Window/Screen untuk layar penuh

  5. Setelah itu masuk ke Speedhack, ikuti seperti gambar dibawah ini

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CounterStrike X by MZH

CS  X by MZH, just a modification of CSPB

Minimum system requirements:Recommended system requirements:
CPU:500 mhz processor
CPU:800 mhz processor or higher
96mb ram
128mb ram or higher
GPU:16mb video card
GPU:32mb+ video card
Windows 2000/XP
Windows 2000/XP
HDD:   1.28 GB
HDD:   1.28GB
Sound:Win-Compatible Sound Card
Sound:Win-Compatible Sound Card
Network:Internet Connection
Network:Internet Connection
Recommended peripheral:Mouse, Keyboard

* T untuk buy
* B untuk mengubah senjata menjadi mode kedua (contoh ak47 fc, kriss s.v

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How to Add weapons in Counter strike/Condition zero (CS:CZ)

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Now I'm gonna tell you how to add weapons in Counter Strike 1.6/Condition Zero.
Before that, pleas download the plugin CS/CZ  here (nst plugin cspb). After download it, extract the file to your Counter strike folder. Next, download the model weapon that you want to add. You can find it in, After that, change the model name into new model name that you want (if you not rename it, it will replace a weapon model in counterstrike model folder) for example "v_aug" into "v_plasma". When you download a skin try to download the full version, in the sense that there is v_model , p_model , dan w_model

-v_model = weapon model that we use in first person mode
-p_model = weapon model  for a dropped weapon (weapons that dropped on the ground)
-w_model = weapon model for other player/computer

After that,place the model in cstrike or czero/model/nst_wpn

Next, Configuring nst_wpn script
Plugin in CS (amxmodx nst_wpn) is a series of scripts that set everything about these weapons ( only the effect ingame, example damage, recoil, etc. )
As an example I will show you the row of script for weapons Plasma Gun:

Penjelasan :

             -      [type]
           For Type, can be filled with a variety of options:
1 if the weapon is NORMAL, means the same as a standard weapon CS else.
2 if the weapon has a second model (second model in the sense of weapons can change the model or change the type. For example SMG become Rifle)

3 if there is an additional extension of such weapons like knife, for example, AK-47 Knife.
4 if the weapon has a second model in the form Grenade Launcher
5 if the weapon is kind of Shotgun (shotgun manual), and have animated "reload ammo"
6 if the weapon has a special attack like shot of light (eg K-1aex Scorpion)
7 for weapons manifold M134 ( gatling gun )
* For choice beside number 1, there are additional settings that will be explained below.

-         [name]
Filled according to what you want, this will appears when the weapon is purchased, and will appear at the left of the screen.

-         [model]
Filled according to weapons models name. Weapon models are files with the existence of a file * .mdl. In filling just write it first name, not include the .mdl.
Example : v_famas_m203 in filling just write famas_m203

-         [wchange]
Wchange This is as basic reference the weapon to be edited. There are 30 types of wchange:
1 for P228                            
3 for Scout
4 for HE Grenade
5 for XM1014
6 for C4
7 for MAC10
8 for AUG
9 for Smoke Grenade
10 for Elite
11 for FiveSeven
12 for UM45
13 for SG550
14 for Galil
15 for Famas
16 for USP
17 for GLOCK18
18 for AWP
19 for MP5
20 for M249
21 for M3
22 for M4A1
23 for TMP
24 for G3SG1
25 for Flashbang
26 for Desert Eagle
27 for SG552
28 for AK47
29 for Knife
30 for P90

-         [damage]
Filled with integer numbers. The charging Where is the comparison of the original CS weapon damage. Example:Weapon with wchange "28" ( AK-47 ), then if it is filled with the number "1", the weapon damage will be equal to the damage AK-47 CS Standard. Whereas if it is filled with 2, then the damage these weapons have a 2x damage with Standard AK-47 CS

-         [speed]
Just like column damage, the value of which is loaded here is the comparison value. But here the comparison is a comparison Fire Speed ​​/ Rate of Fire of such weapons. "1" if the same as the original weapons fire speed, less than "1" if the fire more rapid speed than the original weapons, and more than "1" if the fire speed slower than the original weapon.

-         [zoom]
Zoom extension aim here is when we press the right mouse click.
0 if the weapon has no zoom
1 if the weapon has a zoom like the AUG and Krieg 552
2 if the weapon has a zoom like Sniper Rifle (zoom near and far)
3 if the weapon has a zoom using separate models. (Eg: Tar-21, ACRB)

-         [clip]
Filled with numbers, which presented a number of bullets in one magazine.

-         [ammo]
Filled with numbers, which presented the total number of rounds (in one weapon)

-         [recoil]
Is a column that represents the beat produced a weapon when fired. Filled with original weapons comparisons. 1 if it is equal to the original weapons, less than 1 if the beat more slowly, more than 1 if the pounding louder than the original weapon.-         [sight_time]
Filled with numbers that specifies the amount of time required to activate the zoom.

-         [sight_model]
Filled with zoom models names that are in models \ nst_wpn, if the column [Zoom] filled by 3.

-         [cost]
Filled with the price of weapons (in thousands, or hundreds)

-         [sound]
Filled 0 if you do not have the guns (so it will use the original weapon sounds)
Filled 1 if you have your own sound for such weapons.

-         [team]
Filled 0 for CT dan TERORRIST
Filled 1 for TERORRIST
Filled 2 for CT

-         [buy]
Filled 0 if the weapon isn't buyable
Filled 1 if the weapon is buyable
*buyable for player

As for the column:
-         [gravity]
-         [knockback]
-         [reload]
-         [deploy]
-         [fastrun]

Just follow the script other weapons that have the same wchange.

* For [type] 2, after [buy] then there are some extras:
            -     [d_timechange1]
Filled with a time of transformation / change to be the first model (in seconds)
-         [d_timechange2]
Filled with a time of transformation / change to become the second model (in seconds)
-         [d_damage]
-         [d_speed]
-         [d_zoom]
-         [d_recoil]
-         [d_clip]
-         [d_reload]
-         [d_deploy]
-         [d_sightmodel]
This value is the same as the above explanation that filled earlier. And the value will be the current value weapon for the second model weapon.

* For [type] 3, after [buy], there are some extras:
            -     [k_time]
Filled with the long time of additional ( knife ) action.

-         [k_radius]
Filled range of additional models (knive). In a matter of feet.

-         [k_damage]
-         [k_deploy]
-         [k_knockback]
This value is the same as the above explanation is filled earlier. And the value will be the current value of additional weapon model ( knive ).

* For filling [type] 4, after [buy] there are some extras:
            -     [l_nade]
Filled with the number of weapons that can be launched (grenade launcher) the default is "1"
-         [l_costammo]
Filled with the price of the ammo Grenade Launcher. (Per item)
-         [l_timechange1]
Filled long time to change the model of standard weapons (in seconds)
-         [l_timechange2]
Filled long time to change to the Grenade Launcher Mode. (In seconds)
-         [timereload]
Filled long time to reload the bullet of Grenade Launcher from one to the other bullet.
-         [l_knockback]
Filled with comparison value of the beat when launched to the enemy.-         [l_radius]
Filled with bullet blast radius Grenade Launcher. (In feet)
-         [l_damage]
Filled with explosion damage Grenade Launcher. (In the amount of HP)> If put 50, then the enemy HP will be reduced by 50 when hit by an explosion.
-         [l_type]
Filled 0 if the Grenade Launcher mode is an extension of a weapon.
Filled 1 if the mode Grenade Launcher is an original weapon (not extension).

* For filling [type] 5, after [buy] there are some extras:
            -     [s_timereload]
Filled with the long of reload time (in seconds).
* For filling [type] 6, after [buy] there are some extras:
            -    [lg_ammo]
Filled with a number of additional weapons ammo.
-         [lg_costammo]
Filled with the price of each additional ammo weapons.
-         [lg_damage]
Filled with the additional weapon damage. (In HP)
-         [lg_radius]
Filled with a blast radius of additional weapons.
-         [lg_knockback]
Filled with the beat value received when exposed to the enemy. (In comparison).
-         [lg_deploy]
Filled with the time it takes to use these weapons (after changing weapons, eg knives)
-         [lg_timeattack]
Filled with the length of time until additional weapons can be fired again.
-         [lg_color]
Filled with three values ​​separated by the sign -
The first value gives the level of color RED
The first value gives the level of color GREEN
The first value gives the level of color BLUE
With a range between 0 to 255 where 0 means a very weak and very strong means 255.

* Writing the script does not use a space at all
* Writing the script does not use capital letters (except in name, up to you)

If you already do not forget to add the name of the model that you add to your weapon or czero cstrike / addons / amxmodx / configs / nst_mywpn.ini . Like the pict below

--> Also read Showing weapon that we've added on Buy Menu CS/CZ
if you want to try my mods, you can download it here


Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

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Showing weapon that we've added on Buy Menu CS/CZ

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
Hi guys, this is the return of the previous post,That is How to add weapon in CS/CZ. After the weapon that we want has been added, of course we want to buy and try it, but that weapon not available in buy menu. So now i am gonne tell you how to add it.

  • Firt, we need a picture of weapon that we want (side view). You can google it.
  • After that open it in photoshop. For better result, remove/clear the background (the only remaining weapon pictures), if you can.
  • Then, save the picture with the size 235x81, resolution 32 pixels, and format .tga (targa)
  • Named it with the model name of the weapon that we add.
  • After that, save it in cstrike atau czero(depending on which games you play)/gfx/vgui folder
We have added the picture of the weapon, i will tell you how to show it on buy menu.
  • In cstrike or czero(depending on which games you play)/resource/UI folder, Make a new text document here.
  • Rename it to "Buy(Kind of weapon, example: rifles, pistol, shotgun etc.) with format .res. Example: BuyRifles_CT for CT, dan BuyRifles_TER for Terrorist
  • After that open it and paste the script below.  

"ControlName" "WizardSubPanel"
"fieldName" "BuyRifles_CT"
"xpos" "50"
"ypos" "10"
"wide" "552"
"tall" "448"
"autoResize" "0"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"tabPosition" "0"
"ControlName" "Label"
"fieldName" "Title"
"xpos" "76"
"ypos" "22"
"wide" "500"
"tall" "48"
"autoResize" "0"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"tabPosition" "0"
"labelText" "Rifles"
"textAlignment" "west"
"dulltext" "0"
"brighttext" "0"
"font" "Title"
"wrap" "0"
"ControlName" "Panel"
"fieldName" "ItemInfo"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"wide" "0"
"tall" "0"
"autoResize" "3"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"tabPosition" "0"
// ################################################################################################"1-weapon1-img"
                                "ControlName"                 "ImagePanel"
                                "fieldName"                                       "1-weapon1-img"
                                "xpos"                                                  "30"
                                "ypos"                                                  "85"
                                "wide"                                                  "138"
                                "tall"                                                      "48"
                                "autoResize"                      "0"
                                "pinCorner"                                        "0"
                                "visible"                                               "1"
                                "enabled"                                           "1"
                                "textAlignment"                               "center"
                // 1-weapon1-img
                                "image"                                                                "gfx/vgui/(weapon picture name)"
                                "scaleImage"                     "1"
                                "ControlName"                 "Label"
                                "fieldName"                                       "1-weapon1-name"
                                "xpos"                                                  "30"
                                "ypos"                                                  "133"
                                "wide"                                                  "138"
                                "tall"                                                      "15"
                                "autoResize"                      "0"
                                "pinCorner"                                        "0"
                                "visible"                                               "1"
                                "enabled"                                           "1"
                // 1-weapon1-name
                                "labelText"                                         "(weapons name and price)"
                                "textAlignment"                               "center"
                                "dulltext"                                            "1"
                                "brighttext"                        "0"
                                "ControlName"                 "Button"
                                "fieldName"                                       "1-weapon1-bottom"
                                "xpos"                                                  "30"
                                "ypos"                                                  "85"
                                "wide"                                                  "138"
                                "tall"                                                      "63"
                                "autoResize"                      "0"
                                "pinCorner"                                        "2"
                                "visible"                                               "1"
                                "enabled"                                           "1"
                                "tabPosition"                     "0"
                                "labelText"                                         ""
                // 1-weapon1-bottom
                                "command"                                                        "nst_buy_mywpn (weapon's model name)"
// ################################################################################################
"ControlName" "MouseOverPanelButton"
"fieldName" "CancelButton"
"xpos" "474"
"ypos" "40"
"wide" "138"
"tall" "20"
"autoResize" "0"
"pinCorner" "2"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"tabPosition" "0"
"labelText" "#Cstrike_Cancel"
"textAlignment" "west"
"dulltext" "0"
"brighttext" "0"
"Command" "vguicancel"
"Default" "1"
*Change it with the model weapon's name in gfx/vgui folder
*Change it with weapons name and the price (example, Plasma $3000)
*Change it with new model weapons name that we added it before

If you want to add more weapon, just do that steps, but for the script for the Resource/UI  little defferent on xpos and ypos. xpos and ypos is the position of weapon image, label, and button in but menu. In the Script there are 3 xpos and ypos, that is for Image panel, Label, and Button.
This is the tips how to fill xpos and ypos:
That is for weapon image size like the pict bellow
But you can modify it, i just give an example.

Contoh hasil percobaan saya

If the weapon has been showed on buy menu but you can't buy it, just open cstrike or czero/addons/amxmodx/config/nst_mywpn.ini, and then change the "ENABLE = 1" into "ENABLE = 0"

Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

Also read --> How to add weapon in CS/CZ

if you want to try my mods, you can download it here

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